ドウェイン・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(therock) - 7月15日 23時40分

As many of you know, yesterday was our big #ForbesTakeover of the entire @Forbes Instagram account. Our idea was to have a "Master Class" of sorts where I would launch SEVEN PHILOSOPHIES that have helped build my career over the years as well as our production company @sevenbucksprod. Wanted to share my experiences so you guys can apply it to your own lives to chase your greatness and find your own personal success. Your responses around the globe were so cool and positive! I launched six posts, but before I could post the seventh and final one, the cowardly attack in Nice, France happened.

This final video was meant to be posted last night with the title "PowerOfImpact. The idea that regardless of what we do for a living, what color we are or where we live in the world... the most powerful thing we can do - is be kind.

I'm a physical kind of guy who believes in taking action when you want to get things done. Like so many of us when these tragedies happen around the world and here in the US - I get angry and my heart breaks for the victims and their families. But I always do my best to check my emotions and remember that one of the biggest impacts I/WE can have on this world is kindness. Let's all take action to be better and never forget the #PowerOfImpact. Stay strong ~ DJ

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