unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 7月21日 23時41分

“We just live day to day, what can we do?” Makia holds her daughter Konja, 16 months, at home in the village of Mtayamangta in #Malawi. Makia has four children between the ages of 16 months and 5 years. Due to the severe ongoing drought there, the family has been forced to eat the boiled roots of a water lily known as ‘Nyika’, containing little nutritional value. The root is also dangerous to harvest as it grows in crocodile-infested waters. The family has only had this root to eat for the last four months and her four children all have severe acute malnutrition. The nearest clinic is too far away to walk and the whole family are exhausted with hunger. In Eastern and Southern Africa – the worst hit regions – more than one million need treatment for severe acute malnutrition. © UNICEF/UN024083/Rich


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