マッケンジー・ダーンのインスタグラム(mackenziedern) - 7月24日 01時50分

Officially a pro MMA fighter 1-0! ? I won by unanimous decision! Was such a great learning experience and for sure I can say that I can't wait to have another fight and growing as a fighter! Thank you to the best team in the world @themmalab !! I love you guys! Thank you to my whole family and all my friends!! Thanks to all my sponsors @wartribegear @studio540 @florianpicasso Thank you to my nutritionist @lockloadedmma Thank you to my manager @dannyrube For taking care of me! Thank you @mick713 and @legacyfighting for giving me the opportunity to Debut for such a great event! Thanks to my awesome corners @bensonhenderson @randysteinkemma Couch Crouch! Thanks to all the fans and supporters who are following along on my journey! And of course thank you o my opponent Kenia Rosas for a tough fight!! // Oficialmente uma lutadora profissional de MMA 1-0! Rs ? foi um grande aprendizado nem consigo esperar a hora de voltar e continuar crescendo como lutadora! Tenho muitas pessoas pra agradecer! Obrigada ao melhor time do mundo o MMA Lab! Amo vcs! Obrigada a todos meus patrocínios, meu nutricionista, meu Manager, meus coaches, o Legacy por me deixar estreiar num grande evento! Obrigada a todos meus fãs que estão me apoiando nessa journada! E agradeço a minha oponente Kenia pela grande luta!! Vou postar mais esses dias galera!! ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




