マウンテンハードウェアのインスタグラム(mountainhardwear) - 7月24日 22時29分

This image was captured during the 2015 Sandy Glacier Cave expedition with Glacier Cave Explorers. The focus of the expedition was to map the caves and help climatologist Andreas Pflitsch and his team gather data. One of the real dangers of the expedition was falling rock and ice; especially in the cave entrances, which had a constant flow of debris funneling down. The way you entered the cave was calculated; you waited for a gap in debris fall and ran as fast as you could into the entrance to avoid getting hit by rocks. A spotter outside of the cave was necessary to exit safely. By sunset, the rock and ice-fall, and water flow was at its climax for the day creating an alarming, sinister cacophony echoing through the glacier. At the peak of the sunset, which lasted just a few minutes, this gorgeous red light poured in through the mouth of the cave reflecting off the glimmering ice. Photo by #MHWAmbassador @josh_hydeman


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