デビー・ライアンのインスタグラム(debbyryan) - 7月27日 05時29分

Next level #DOPEWOMEN2016:

Ima was trafficked from Indonesia to LA as a teenager for domestic slavery. In our suburbs, she was abused, manipulated, threatened, and unallowed to leave or speak to anyone for over a decade. Ima taught herself to write a letter for help; that letter became her story of redemption.
Ima's now saving other people with CAST, the same group that helped her get on her feet strong, educated, proud, and free. | They estimate that 30 million people around the world are enslaved rn. Human lives are a 150 billion dollar industry, literally the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the 21st century. The laws have not made it easy to prosecute the monsters that do this to people; the woman that trafficked Ima is still out there.
But Ima's a survivor, mom goals, and a beautiful superhero, working in Washington DC with Senator Kerry to combat this problem, speaking at THE LITERAL #DNC... and made time to hang out with me and let me help share her story with you people.


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