ショーン・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(shawnjohnson) - 7月29日 07時47分

Hi guys! SO awesome to see the responses and excitement from @ナスティア・リューキン post last night introducing @begrander!!! We can’t wait to help inspire the next generation of gymnasts reach their goals! When things are going well or when things get challenging, inspiration matters! It’s what keeps you motivated, focused, and energized each day so you get one step closer to your goals.
@begrander is all about those athletes who are ultra inspired to achieve their goals, and @ナスティア・リューキン and I are so excited to help mentor all of you granders out there to do so!

Remember - 1) post a photo or video letting us know what you’re inspired to do/be 2) use #inspiredto 3) Tag and follow @begrander
Nastia and I are seeing all of your amazing posts and the @begrander team is starting to let people in to the account. Stay tuned for some great things to come! #inspiredto


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




