エイミー・デビッドソンのインスタグラム(amy_davidson) - 7月30日 09時17分

Being physically active has always very important to me. However, my workout regimen has drastically changed since having Lennox. I'm grateful I found @cari_fit because it's a medically approved postnatal workout designed to reflect the needs of my post natal body. It's taught in London but now available on demand for us moms globally! Lennox and I love it primarily because all the @cari_fit workouts are designed to be done wearing your baby! And if you know me, having Lennox involved in my workouts is very important❤️ Today we completed Butt and Core and my legs are gonna hate me tomorrow? Any new mom learns that when the baby can feel your heartbeat it calms them. It was amazing having Lennox enjoy being next to me as much as I did. He slept most of the workout!! You can sign up for their workouts via the link in their bio, and the code CARIFITwithAMY will get you all a 25% discount?? Xo


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