TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 7月31日 00時42分

Marvi Lacar and Ben Lowy are award-winning professional photographers, but they’re also parents of two young children. “Kids being kids, they don’t always have the patience for us to break out all of our professional gear,” says Lowy. So, like anyone else, the couple uses what we all have in our back pockets: a smartphone. From underwater photos to action shots, slow-motion and burst modes, Lacar and Lowy have mastered the art of photographing their kids, no matter how fast they run around. In this a new TIME video, they share their best tips and tricks to take great vacation photos of your kids with a simple smartphone.

Watch it on TIME.com/LightBox.

Photograph by Marvi Lacar (@marvilacar and @bonetiredmama) and Ben Lowy (@benlowy) for TIME.


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