ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月1日 22時23分

At the end of June, @bdentonphoto was on the ground as Iraq's forces fought their way into Falluja. The city was the first in Iraq to fall to ISIS more than 2 years ago. “As we moved through the bombed-out streets, gun battles raged, and the insurgents’ improvised mortars exploded among the narrow alleyways and rubble in a last-ditch effort to halt the advance of Iraq’s security forces,” @bdentonphoto writes. “What, exactly, the Islamic State fighters were holding out for was lost on me. The city had been surrounded for months. Nearly all the civilians were gone, either driven out by their rulers’ brutality in the early days, or escaping during breaks in the fighting as the Iraqi forces approached.” To take this photo, @bdentonphoto visited a makeshift ISIS prison. An Iraqi officer told him that because this cell house blankets and other relative luxuries, it may have been used to hold sex slaves. Follow @bdentonphoto to see more #nytassignment photos taken at the front in a scarred #Falluja, or visit the link in our profile to see the full photo essay. “Victory,” he writes, “is never the end of the story here.” #regram


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