シャンテル・ヴァンサンテンのインスタグラム(therealshantel) - 8月2日 08時05分

#worldlungcancerday is today and I stand ready for the fight ahead. I fight for those who no longer can fight, like my grandma Doris Dooyema. She was a NON smoker... Didn't live in a smoking home... But the stigma still stands and I describe her struggle. So many people assume but don't know it's the #1 cancer killer of woman! We need awareness, detection methods and we need to fight with those who are diagnosed!! As long as I breathe I will fight in her honor. Days like today are bittersweet and I search for gratitude over my heartbreak. Reminding myself she gets to live on through me and her life's dedication of helping others is ever present. I hope your watching DD... I love you!! #Fcancer #lungforce #uniteandfight


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