ブライス・ダラス・ハワードのインスタグラム(brycedhoward) - 8月4日 04時07分

"Paul Revere wasn't the only colonial hero to take a midnight ride through dangerous territory to warn of the coming British army. In fact, a young patriot from upstate New York was tapped for a dangerous midnight mission after the British raided Danbury, Conn., in April of 1777. Her name was Sybil Ludington, and she was the 16-year-old daughter of an American colonel. She also happened to ride about twice as far as Paul Revere. Setting out after dark in freezing late-winter rain, Sybil rode 40 miles, reportedly fending off a band of highway robbers along the way, to rouse the local militia. Thanks to Sybil's warning, the men marched and engaged the British at the Battle of Ridgefield. Sybil, though often forgotten today, was honored by George Washington for her heroic ride.” This unsung hero is my #WCW for her courage, strength and patriotism. (Bio info from Huffington Post)


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