ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月8日 22時07分

His show begins abruptly, with a wail. The words and music are Arabic, but the pain is clear in any language. “I’m sorry, I’m not a good piano player,” he says by way of introduction at a concert in a German town. “I learned in Syria. It’s not like Mozart and Bach, but this is the way we play it.” While he plays, Aeham Ahmad thinks of his pulverized, starving neighborhood at home, where 3 years ago, he embarked on a strange career by playing concerts in the rubble. Today, in Germany, Aeham is trying to put a human face on his fellow refugees. Known as the Piano Man of Yarmouk, the 27-year-old wants to to ease their integration and maybe even help those left behind — including his wife and children. But he wonders if he’s making any difference: “They clap for me, but the rest” — back in Syria — “are still in prison, under siege, under bombs.” He tells @ニューヨーク・タイムズ reporter that people often ask how it feels to play in Germany, and, for once, he wants to give the honest answer: “I feel nothing. I close my eyes, and all around me — I play and I remember Yarmouk.” @ilvynjio photographed Aeham Ahmad after a May performance in Marburg, Germany.


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