コーディー・シンプソンのインスタグラム(codysimpson) - 8月11日 07時51分

'enter the fire, enter the journey underground
enter if you will, the vast ambiguous caverns of the mind
enter if you will, the school of the unlearned
of new man, new woman
enter now with your drums and your guitars and your rugs and your songs
enter now if just to sing your songs, we have plenty of instruments
enter now so that we may paint our portraits under the living sky
construct undeveloped and undivided attention
the search for shade beneath the tide, nomadic turquoise current wash away now
enter into the psyche of quiet rebellion
brain is not battery but an evergreen, nor man nor transient machine
enter now, for the mirage will transfix and enchant, destructing walls between rooms
enter the desert now occupied by man or wandering man
venture to cavern where siren sings
melodious breeze blowing brimmed hat off atop your skull, hair stallion gallop
enter now into a brilliant pool of colour, undefined by technological advances of new science
as leaves fall with your breath
leaves don't fall, your breath leaves' CS, photo @oliver_grand @eastonschirra


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