Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 8月18日 04時06分

May Oceans of Blue Healing Energy fall upon everyone of us. May our Hearts become pure of hatred. May our souls become alive once again with forgiveness. May Love permeate our lives and our Planet once again. May our kids rejoice of healthiness. May our parents exhude holiness. May our future be golden and our past forgotten. May we find happiness in the little things. May we find comfort on this ever present moment. May we stop dreaming in order to start living. May we feel the Blessings of Existence today, tomorrow and forever...
#ThinkBlue #BabyLoveBJWT #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger #PapaBearChronicles #AchillesBJWT

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