Rozinaのインスタグラム(rozinataguchi) - 8月18日 12時34分

•Cranberry Open 2k16• There are people out there that don't know what the word "dedication" means. Some may never understand which means it's not meant for them. I can give those people a real good definition. Dedication is driving 5 hrs two days a week. Dedication is being in your apartment a ways from home more than you are in your actual home. Dedication is loving something so much that you give up seeing your dad every night which goes to seeing your dad maybe once a week for who knows how long when you are used to seeing him every night. Having dedication to a sport like this, makes you appreciate the things in life you took for granted and recognize how lucky you are to have the people in your life who are with you through thick and through thin. #fierce


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