Tim Lamanのインスタグラム(timlaman) - 8月20日 04時06分

Photo by @Tim Laman. T-Rex track! Not a prize-winning photo I know, but further signs of those who have been here before us so had to share. This is the only confirmed T-Rex track in North America. It is in the Sangre de Cristo range of #NewMexico and we passed it on the last day of our #Philmont backpacking trip. Absolutely amazing to think that 65 Million years ago, a T-Rex passed this spot. This is a natural positive image of the track. The original fresh track in mud was first filled in by sediment, then covered by many more layers of sediment over the millennia and compressed into rock. When the canyon we are now in formed much later, the layers with the tracks were exposed on the canyon wall, and this boulder containing the print rolled out down a hill. Once the softer mudstone of the original imprint eroded away, this caste of the track in sandstone was revealed! #dinosaur, #T-Rex, #T.rex, #Philmont, #NewMexico, #backpacking, @natgeocreative, @thephotosociety, @Tim Laman.


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