オボズのインスタグラム(obozfootwear) - 8月24日 23時57分

Here’s how Michael Lanza starts his story on an epic May trip to the California desert: "On an evening in mid-May, with the steaming air still over 90° F in one of the hottest and driest deserts on the planet, we stand at the base of a crystalline cascade tumbling 15 feet over tiered ledges of moss-covered stones. Beside a calf-deep pool at the bottom of the waterfall, a leafy tree—the only one for miles—stands about 20 feet tall. In fact, we’re backpacking up the narrows of a desert canyon where a surprisingly robust creek pours over several short waterfalls, between close, sheer walls of white rock vaulting to the sky.

This creek, canyon, and little oasis feel as out of place as seeing a fish sunning on a beach.” Want to read more? Check out today’s #trailtales (http://obozfootwear.com/trail-tales/gear-testing-in-the-panamint-range-of-death-valley-national-park). #truetothertrail #exploremore #geartesting #desertvalley #California #DeathValley #NationalParks #adventure #boots


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