タミン・サーソクのインスタグラム(tamminsursok) - 8月25日 04時58分

Today on @bottleandheels we've got a beautiful piece written about the obstacles that we all must face in our lives. While some obstacles appear to have happened for a reason - to help us grow as individuals and better understand the world around us - others seem to come about for no reason at all.
Here is an excerpt: "I’m listening to a man tell a story. A woman he knows was in a devastating car accident; her life shattered in an instant. She now lives in a state of near-permanent pain; a paraplegic; many of her hopes stolen. He tells of how she had been a mess before the accident, but that the tragedy had engendered positive changes in her life. That she was, as a result of this devastation, living a wonderful life. And then he utters the words. The words that are responsible for nothing less than emotional, spiritual and psychological violence: Everything happens for a reason." LINK IN THE BIO
? @skyzzle


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