KATのインスタグラム(katmcdowell) - 8月27日 10時47分

How I make healthier hamburger patties. 日本語約は下 I cook up and pre cook onions and carrots and I also added lots of okara (which is what is left after making soy milk). This basically makes this burger half beef, half tofu but still tastes like beef. Half a Sprouted wheat bagel toasted and ground up with ground up flaxseed, nutmeg, salt, egg, soy milk. And I put it all in a bowl and mix thoroughly kneading it with my hands. After making them in to patties I leave for 30-60min to settle then pan fry. Side note:I only cook the outside of the ones I plan to freeze (so that water doesn't escape when I defrost them) and then cook them right through when I want to eat them. ? let me know if you ever end up making these!! このハンバーグはオカラを沢山まぜてビーフとうふハンバーグな感じにしました。 野菜も増やすために人参も入れてビーフはちゃんと草のエサを食べていた牛のお肉を買いました。 ちょっと高めなお肉だけど、オカラと混ぜると二倍になるから食べきれない分は外だけ火を通して冷凍します。(^_^) #cooking #healthy #hamburgerpatty #okara


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