ドウェイン・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(therock) - 9月6日 09時45分

As a few people close to me know, I have a sliiiight obsession with Labor Day in that the whole point of the holiday is to honor the "social and economic achievements of the American worker". Figured the most respectful thing I can do today...is work.
So what do I do? Take business meetings at the house, text and email business partners and employees to see who wants to put in some work today and who goes radio silent on me (which for the record was no-one. Smart people;), and have philosophical conversations with my 8month old daughter about the value of hard work.. which went wonderfully well.
And we do one more thing..
Train. Hard.

Aaaand secretly pretend I didn't just completely p*ss myself when that lightning struck.??. Thank you to my team who worked today and certainly the ones who came to the house to take mtgs. I will one day get the psychological therapy I need, so until then Happy Labor Day to everyone out there and your families.
???? #MySlightObsession #WithTakinCareOfBusiness #DaddyDontDoLightningStrikesTho #AhHellNothingTequilaCantTakeCareOf


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