Tim Lamanのインスタグラム(timlaman) - 9月8日 04時48分

Photo by @Tim Laman. This unique waterfall and rock formation had to be seen from above… @RussLaman pulled off some tricky drone piloting between the trees to get this shot of the unusual fissure in the granite with the waterfall cascading down through it. This place is called Riam Parit “Channel Falls”, and is deep in the heart of #GunungPalung National Park, a gem of Indonesia’s remaining pristine rain forests. From our recent expedition exploring little-known areas of #GunungPalungNationalPark with @the_endrosetiawan, @waysusanto, @RussLaman, and @RRSuro. #GunungPalung, #rainforest, #Kalimantan, #IndonesiaBiodiversity, #Indonesia, #Borneo, @saveGPorangutans, @thephotosociety, @natgeocreative.

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