ジュエル・ステイトのインスタグラム(jewelstaite) - 9月14日 01時58分

Wow did this reposting ever bring out the argumentative and sometimes downright hostile followers I didn't know I had! Hi and bye, non-friends!
To be clear, I'm still on board with this message from Lena, however you feel about her, because I think she brings up extremely important points in the abusive culture social media outlets have created. It sucks to post something to share only to be met with ridicule, judgement, and basically shitty human behaviour. I'm grateful Instagram is taking a step in the right direction on eliminating the bullying masked as a "constitutional right" to say whatever you want without consequence. We need to be nicer to each other. And better at censoring ourselves when we feel the itch to spread negativity. There's already too much in the world.
Now if Instagram could figure out a way for us to disable comments altogether....


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