ティナ・マジョリーノのインスタグラム(tinamajorino) - 9月17日 02時48分

Relationships with women are complicated. It seems like today, girls see each other more as competition than sisters in arms. The narrative has become one of judgment and ridicule, one-upping, and put-downs, all in order to satiate this gaping void inside females that who they are in any given moment is never enough. The focus always seems to be put on how there's always some chick out there who's better, prettier, stronger, more gifted... Instead of seeing it in truth, instead of seeing that none of that matters - that all of our paths are different, that our lives aren't made of scoreboards, that we can look up to each other and help each other climb the mountain of life, girls often see other's lights as a threat to their own. I am lucky to have some very special women in my life who don't subscribe to this dangerous and destructive line of thinking, who approach friendship the way I wish everyone could... They uplift me, they accept me, and they love me for free. They teach me everyday that my successes are theirs and vice versa, that beauty is not our only currency, that our differences are our strengths, that our flaws are our most wonderful accessories, and that we are truly stronger together. Here's to my women friends, who are fantastic examples of the love we all are capable of providing for our sisters. And here's to loving each other just because. ❤️ #fbf #Girls


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