ミーシャ・コリンズのインスタグラム(misha) - 9月17日 07時22分

I just received updated photos of the progress at the Free High School of San Juan del Sur. Construction has been continuing at an incredible pace on the Center for Human Development, a school that will help give residents of rural Nicaragua access to education and opportunity.

To say that I'm impressed with all the hard work @RandomActsOrg's #Dreams2Acts: Nicaragua team has accomplished is an understatement. Take a look at these photos... They speak for themselves.
There's still a lot to be done, and we still need your help to make this facility everything it can be. But I think it's obvious that the Free High School is going to be a remarkable space that will help bring a brighter future to so many lives, and I couldn't be prouder of the team and the Random Acts supporters for helping to make this happen.
Thank you, guys. Keep up the great work.



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