テート・ギャラリーのインスタグラム(tate) - 9月20日 23時47分

Today’s #artword is 'vanitas still life'. A vanitas still life is one which includes various symbolic objects, designed to remind the viewer of their mortality and of the worthlessness of worldly goods and pleasures. You can catch this particular example on display at #TateBritain. In this work, the musical instruments, wine and jewels represent the fleeting pleasures of life, while the skull and hour-glass symbolise the inevitability of death. The open book shows a brief poem emphasising the theme of mortality. The Latin inscription in the top left corner comes from the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes: ‘Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.’
Edward Collier, ‘Still Life with a Volume of Wither’s ‘Emblemes’’ 1696, Tate collection


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