クリステン・リッターのインスタグラム(therealkrystenritter) - 9月24日 15時45分

My baby sister - who is now freaking 20 years old - continues to BLOW MY MIND by the young woman she is becoming.
She came to stay with me for a month this summer (like always) -- She helped me run shit, handle shit, she was never afraid of hard work - she also saw that when I appreciated someone going above and beyond that I sent flowers or a card to SHOW my appreciation - two days after she left I got a package in the mail with my favorite tea. She never mentioned a word of it. What made me even happier than the gift itself was knowing that I was being a positive influence on her. That she was making some classy moves without me telling her to do so - just by observation. I didn't think she could top that epic move but she did --and she does all the time --- today she volunteered for @ヒラリー・クリントン and helped register people to vote. I'm bawling with pride just writing this. What we do has impact. Our actions inspire others. Everyone Has INFLUENCE!! So let's always keep that in mind. Bay - I love you and worship the ground you walk on - thank you for constantly blowing my mind - thank the heavens that you are my sister


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