Instagramのインスタグラム(instagram) - 9月29日 06時29分

Lauren DeCicca (@deciccaphoto) has her #EyesOn the people experiencing Myanmar’s economic transition. The American documentary photographer first arrived to Yangon three years ago: “I moved there two months after the first ATM came to Yangon. The city has changed incredibly. Hotels get built in a matter of months.” While she has sharpened her focus on local humanitarian issues — covering conditions at land mines and the Rohingya ethnic conflict in western Myanmar — Lauren is steadfast in providing a wider context for these stories. “One of the first big projects I worked on was along the length of the Irrawaddy River, where I stopped at places like land mines, dam projects and religious sites and talked to everyone about their daily life and what Myanmar was all about,” she says. “That sparked my interest in a lot of other stories that I’ve continued to cover over the last two years.” Today, Lauren remains deeply touched by one thing that hasn’t changed: the country’s generous hospitality. “You can be walking down the street and people will just tell you to come into their homes, sit you down and tell you their story and ask you questions about the United States.”
Photo by @deciccaphoto


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