Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 10月5日 02時11分

AIR ACHILLES BY @j_parisi_x71
#Repost @j_parisi_x71
Look what just arrived. Hashtag "Air Achilles". You may all think wtf are you making a video about a stuffed tiger for? It's bigger than just a silly video, (but fun) it's about supporting a foundation you believe in because now a days there some fat CEO's scamming people's money instead of doing the right thing. @Black Jaguar-White Tiger foundation is exactly what I'd be doing if I had the money and time, rescuing animals from shitty situations and giving them a home. Hats off to those that help those that don't know any better. #karma #dontbeadick #truth #imanerd #pets #savethemall #blackjaguarwhitetiger #allfelinesmatter #dontjudgeme #heart #mansbestfriend #firefighter #bjwtachilles #ThinkBlue #AchillesBJWT @boycottcircus


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