ジーナ・ロドリゲスのインスタグラム(hereisgina) - 10月11日 03時44分

#MovementMondays This is Ramses Jimenez, he is a Dominican American Actor born in Dominican Republic and raised in Chicago. You can find him currently on the hit AMC tv series Fear of the Walking Dead. Ramses has an incredible story because a few years ago this very talented man, with films such as Nothing like the Holidays under his belt, left acting. He moved back to the DR and pursued a life of directing. After directing his first feature film he returned to the states to finish the edit on his film. By chance this audition rolled in and being in a place of happiness and content with his life, he approached the audition as I believe one should, going in prepared to do their best and then leaving it all in the room. Well he did. And he booked it. Now you can catch him as Hector Reyes on the AMC hit series. Let's all continue to support him by following his journey!! #movementmondays (and I happened to have taken this pic, nbd)


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