ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 10月11日 09時26分

Beatings, sleep deprivation, menacing and other brutal tactics have led to persistent mental health problems among detainees held in secret CIA prisons and at the military detention camp at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Tarek El Sawah, an Egyptian who said he was a Taliban soldier, is one of them. He arrived at Guantánamo in May 2002. Though his brother, Jamal, said he had no history of mental problems, Tarek began shrieking at night, terrified by hallucinations. When he began defecating and urinating on himself, soldiers would hose him down in front of other detainees. He said he was given antipsychotic drugs, sometimes forcibly. After his breakdown, interrogators found him eager to talk. They delivered hamburgers or sandwiches, multiple servings at a time. He became a prized informant, though the value of what he offered is disputed. After 14 years, he was released without charge. Tarek, 58, now lives in Bosnia. He has headaches, mood fluctuations and eating compulsions. He said he doesn’t blame U.S. soldiers for his treatment. “They were afraid of me, afraid for their life,” he said. “Guantánamo on both sides was just very scared people who want to live.” @bdentonphoto photographed Tarek El Sawah while on #nytassignment. Visit the link in our profile to read more.


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