ホカオネオネのインスタグラム(hoka) - 10月20日 21時00分

"Richard Parker’s story actually begins in 2012 when my two college friends and I were staying in a hostel in Pisaq, Peru, where we met a cat named Lucita. She was friendly and we gave her a lot of food scraps. Three years later, I stayed in the same hostel. Turns out, Lucita had stuck around for a while and had had multiple litters of kittens. Sadly, upon my arrival, Lucita had vanished, leaving one very young kitten behind with seemingly no means to care for himself. I quickly befriended the lil guy and soon enough he had overcome his original skittishness and was hanging out in our room, waiting to be fed in the morning, and greeting us upon our return from the big outside world. It was only a matter of time before I realized that I was going to have to bring him home with me. So, I called my partner, Mariana, and told her I was going to come home with a kitten. Surprise! She was supportive, though, and at the end of the summer, Richard Parker and I made the long journey from Pisaq to Cusco to Lima to Dallas to Boston. Upon entering the USA, he received his own American-cat-documents, so I guess that makes him a duel citizen!"- HOKA Athlete Tyler Andrews #catsofHOKA #takeflight


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