キエラ・キキ・シェアードのインスタグラム(kierrasheard) - 10月23日 08時11分

Had the pleasure of speaking to some amazing young people today. Working to inspire them to not let anyone kill their signal that is sent out into the earth nor their dream. They were so into it! So, I had to catch a few of them at the end. They were coming up to me from ages 9 and up asking "what scripture was that you gave...I missed it!" This was truly a jaw dropping experience. O...and they prayed for me and baby, homegirl could PRAY!!! They were so interested and it made me so excited and inspired. Thanks so such to the amazing youth leaders in Houston Pastor Ray Bady and his wife Shalon Bady; and of course lead Pastor and Lady Caldwell! Today was such a blessing! Mark 4:21
Then he asked them, "When someone lights a lamp, does he put a box over it to shut out the light? Of course not! The light couldn't be seen or used. A lamp is placed on a stand to shine and be useful.

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