リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 10月23日 21時23分

Deeply honoured to be welcomed with a traditional ponnaadai ceremony at the Singapore Kadayanallur Muslim League’s (SKML) 75th Anniversary dinner last night. The ceremony involves draping a shawl around a guest’s shoulders. The Indian community has always been warm and welcoming, and I was touched by the gesture.

The SKML comprises Tamil Muslims originally from Kadayanallur, a city in Tamil Nadu close to the southernmost tip of India. Weavers by trade, many left in search of a better life after British textile mills began exporting cheap textiles to India, putting them out of business.

Some sailed to Malacca and Penang (and set up Kadayanallur associations there as well). Many arrived in Singapore with little more than the clothes on their back. They became labourers at the port, and sold wet ground spices for curries.

Today, many have become successful professionals. They have made Singapore their home for three generations or more, just as so many others have done.

The Tamil Muslim community in Singapore is small – about 20,000 – but have woven their own distinctive strand in our multicultural tapestry. My congratulations to the SKML on your 75th anniversary. Keep up the great work! – LHL (MCI Photo by LH Goh)


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