ステール・サンドベックのインスタグラム(stalesandbech) - 10月26日 00時47分

Just got out of surgery... After riding again I felt that something was not fully working inside my knee. Went back home and took new MRI photos and they could see that something was wrong, but didn't know what kind of surgery I had to do. Either to take out pieces of the meniscus ( about 3 weeks rehab ) or the sew it back together again if needed ( 4 new months of rehab ) I was lucky to get the call yesterday that a spot for surgery opened up and jumped right into it hoping for the best. I ended up having to take out pieces of the meniscus and that means that I will be back again soon and riding my board this season instead of 4 more months in bed ??⚡️ fucking pumped! See you all on the mountain soon??????????☃☃☃ and big thanks to all the doctors and folks helping me out and getting this done so quickly??


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




