アンドリア・バーバーのインスタグラム(andreabarber) - 11月1日 16時47分

You all bring me so much joy. ?? I've been doing the #KimmyGibblerCostumeContest for 5 years -- MANY years after the original series ended and LONG before Fuller House was in existence. I don't do it to promote anything, I don't do it for compensation, I don't do it for likes or follows or attention, I don't do it FOR anything...except that it brings a ginormous smile to my face and to those who participate by entering or voting for their favorites. It is, quite simply, PURE JOY. And that joy is contagious. ☺️

So a big heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this year's 5th Annual #KimmyGibblerCostumeContest - for all of your hard work, your hot gluing, your layering and mismatching of colors and patterns. Thank you.

It is no wonder this contest is such a highlight each year - your collective, creative energies and unabashed willingness to throw caution to the wind and laugh at yourselves (and myself ?) is a refreshing joy in a world filled with stress and tension. You all embrace the spirit of Kimmy Gibbler: Be bold. Be brave. Laugh often. Love all. The world needs more of that.

I will officially announce a winner soon, but in all honesty? We all win. ❤️?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




