シェリル・バークのインスタグラム(cherylburke) - 11月1日 19時46分

I couldn’t have asked for a better homecoming season. I’m glad that the audience got to know Ryan as I got to know him – a man who was looking for redemption, acceptance and growth. While he may not have been the best dancer in the competition, he definitely had the biggest heart. I will forever be grateful for having gotten to know @ライアン・ロクテ and his beautiful family.

#DWTS will always be my home. I came back to the show primarily because of my show Love on the Floor. Creating and producing and dancing in my own production made me realize how much I missed performing in front of an audience. It made me realize how much I missed connecting with people through dance. Being back on @DancingABC allowed me to renew those connections. Not knowing what the future holds I can only say that Dance is the most wonderful and beautiful form of communication and I’m so thankful that my job is getting to share my love of dance and communicate with all of you.

You all make coming to work on DWTS everyday a blessing and we, #TeamCherloch, couldn’t have done it without you.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





