ビジー・フィリップスのインスタグラム(busyphilipps) - 11月8日 04時01分

I'm very serious about this. We can not let this horrible RACIST SEXIST XENOPHOBIC DANGEROUS man become president tomorrow. I understand Hillary is problematic for some- she's not for me but I get it. But what will be SUPER PROBLEMATIC is if Donald Trump is elected president of the United States. We can not wake up Nov 9 and think "oh no. I should have done more..." Please VOTE. If you're thinking of a 3rd party or a protest vote, I ask you to reconsider. When I was in Canada, everyone asked me if I would be moving there on Nov 9 if Trump wins and my answer was this: Of course I won't be moving to Canada. Because if Hillary Clinton's career has shown us anything, it should be that when things get tough, you don't cash in and leave, you dig in and fight harder for the future you believe in. #imwithher #obviously Also. I'm gonna disable the comments here cause we've all had enough fighting to last us a lifetime. If you don't agree with me, that's cool, just keep scrolling, my sweet friends! ✌?

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