モービーのインスタグラム(moby) - 11月9日 00時55分

and it's election day.
for my last election cycle post let's simply look at some of the important issues, to remind ourselves of what the candidates actually stand for:
DONALD TRUMP believes that climate change is a 'hoax'.
HILLARY CLINTON believes that climate change is real, and is largely caused by humans.
DONALD TRUMP is supported by the @nra and would let them write gun policy.
HILLARY CLINTON believes that rational, sensible gun control is a good thing.
DONALD TRUMP believes in building a wall between us and mexico, has called mexicans 'rapists', and would restrict, if not end, most immigration.
HILLARY CLINTON believes in sane, rational immigration policy.
DONALD TRUMP would work to overturn roe v. wade and has said that women who get abortions
need to be 'punished'.
HILLARY CLINTON is pro-choice.
DONALD TRUMP does NOT support same sex marriage.
HILLARY CLINTON does support same sex marriage.
DONALD TRUMP does not support police wearing body cameras.
HILLARY CLINTON does support police wearing body cameras.
DONALD TRUMP does NOT support a moratorium on student debt.
HILLARY CLINTON does support a moratorium on student debt.
DONALD TRUMP supports 'citizens united'
HILLARY CLINTON believes that 'citizens united' should be overturned.

and lastly, DONALD TRUMP has bankrupted 1/2 of his businesses and said
that fame entitled him to sexually assault women.

and that's it. go vote.


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