エマニュエル・シュリーキーのインスタグラム(echriqui) - 11月9日 02時21分

It is a our right to vote, and your voice matters..what is written below resonates deeply. Today is the day, vote, vote, vote!!!❤❤❤@Regrann from @thatgirlgreener - There's plenty to say about this election, and many have already said it better than I would. So I will just say this... no one person can make or break this country, this world. We as a collective people create our culture, our values, and the standard for how we treat each other and ourselves. We have to wake up and pay attention all year, every year. Your vote matters in every election, in every purchase, in what you choose to watch and share. Be kind, speak up, demand justice, be a part of this democracy, and remember that regardless of your differing thoughts and opinions... we are all in this together. As for our next president #imwithher #Regrann


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