T.I.のインスタグラム(tip) - 11月9日 09時38分

See this is why the "USorELSE/Black Lives Matter" movement is imperative.
Because there are people in this country who feel like a black man with a couple pounds of weed and a pocket fulla drug money is more of a threat than this white man who raped/molested an innocent ? little girl less than the age of 2...on camera ? at that!!!!! When these things play out in public continuously like they do it gives way to the thought that Black Lives Must not Matter to Middle Aged white judges,policemen,& politicians who sit & watch this kinda shit take place over & over again!!!! How can a black man who's suffering from a crack addiction,or a young Latino who sells weed to get by be so much of a menace to society that they deserve to be given decades in prison but this fucking low life scum bucket gets off with less? I'm just saying.... if u can answer that... I'll shut the fuck up FOREVER with my BLM/USorELSE Bullshit!!!!!


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