ミシェル・ウィーのインスタグラム(michellewiewest) - 11月14日 05時08分

Oh 2016...you were a tough one. There were so many times where it got so hard that I felt like I couldn't go on and I just wanted to give up. Sometimes it took everything in me just to get up and start the day...but I realize now more than ever that I am a warrior. I am stronger than I think and I will fight till the very end. I love this game no matter how brutal it could be...it is the world's most addicting sport to play and the game to this day continues to amaze me. I am so grateful for everyone that stuck by me through this year and relentlessly believed in me. So grateful for my parents, friends, and fans who picked me up when I was down and kept me going. I felt my game come around the last couple of weeks and I can't wait to keep building on this momentum for next year!! Just gotta keep building confidence and get healthy for 2017!!! Upwards and onwards!!! ???? #upwards


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