Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 11月17日 23時03分

DRAINING THE SWAMP HAHAHA. We moved Ma-Tzu and Cielo yesterday to their usual habitat but we are starting to work on it today. It'll be ready in 2 weeks. I decided to move them before it was completed because that's the only habitat where Ma-Tzu is not scared. Yesterday he was scared because my kids are not used to being caged, and even though Ma-Tzu was not put in a transportation cage yesterday, he gets scared when he sees them. But you'll see their habitat beautiful in 2 weeks...
Las lluvias han destruido el hábitat habitual de La Emperatriz, donde estaba se encuentra perfecto, pero decidí cambiarlos en medio de la reconstrucción por qué Matzulingui se asusta en todos lados menos aquí...
#Cielis #Matzu #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger #SaveJaguars


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