ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 11月18日 02時18分

#tbt to the groundbreaking 1936 exhibition of “Cubism and Abstract Art,” which was key to establishing the pedigree for modern art proposed by the Museum’s founding director Alfred H. Barr, Jr.—a narrative that continues to shape the Museum’s presentation of modernism to this day. In the introduction to the catalogue, Barr declared that the day’s most adventurous artists “had grown bored with painting facts. By a common and powerful impulse they were driven to abandon the imitation of natural appearance.” To demonstrate the breadth of this modernist impulse toward abstraction, Barr assembled a wide-ranging exhibition of nearly 400 works of painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, architecture, furniture, theater design, and typography. He also drew up a now-famous diagram of the origins and influences of modern art that was reproduced on the catalogue’s dust jacket. A retrospective of one of the artists in the exhibition, "Francis Picabia: Our Heads Are Round so Our Thoughts Can Change Direction," opens on November 21. See vintage images and more at mo.ma/52exhibitions. 10 of #52exhibitions #MoMAhistory


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