アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 11月28日 20時29分

To the flyest and the BADDEST woman I KNOW! Besides being a great mother you are so much more. You take people in without question. You give when you don't have. You always have something encouraging to say. You never spare the truth which is always received in love. You're funny as HECK. You have so many gifts I can't even name them all. I never thought my mother would be one of my best friends! I can tell her everything. Because of you mom I am who I am. I am a prayer warrior, a fighter, I know what it means to be a true Christian and woman of God because of how you've encouraged me. I know how to fight for myself and go after what I want while keeping my integrity and convictions because of how you challenged me. I am confident in my body and skin because of how you and my father loved me and because of your style! ☺️ I am smart and understand the world because of the example you set before me, you literally know everything lol YOU ARE EVERYTHING. I could not be here in London doing this alone if I didn't know you had my back in LA. Even the times you insist on praying for me and put that oil on my face giving me pimples, I appreciate because I know the anointing is real. You are my reason mom. I truly am the luckiest daughter in the world. This world is better because you're here. I am so blessed on your birthday because you're my mommy! I love you so much! Thank you for being you!!!!!!


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