キャロリン・マーフィーのインスタグラム(carolynmurphy) - 11月30日 00時16分

Thank you Neil Young, and many others, for continuing to stand up against the greed and ugliness of corporate America. His letter to Obama will hopefully garner the attention it deserves, for not only the Native Americans, their land and water, but for the people of America as a whole. Both the Hopi and Lakota tribes predicted the "black snake" and if you do your research, this is 8 out of 9 prophecies, that have come to sad reality. Do yourself another favor and research the 17 plus banks and financial institutions that have funded the DAPL- bet most of you have your money sitting in one or the other. I personally will be pulling my investments from Morgan Stanley. It's a small step but one that many of us should consider in standing strong for Standing Rock. NEIL YOUNG LETTER TO OBAMA LINK IN MY BIO ✌?️#nodapl #standingrock #neilyoung


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