宮野真守のインスタグラム(miyanomamoru_paradise) - 12月4日 20時22分

【Mamo★Dise Request Corner! No.153】 今日は長野公演ですね〜 もう7日、あっという間に!😐 さて、うたプリのリクエストをいただきましたので、今日は載せたいと思います 😊💕 @amyshinee22 さんから 「うたプリキャストとふざけてるマモちゃん」 とリクエストでした 😂 実は少し前に、「クイズの☆プリンスさまっ♪」 もう一回見たいなぁと思いましたので、フォロワーさんと一緒に見ました!何回見ても面白いですよね 💖 だから今日は、その面白いクイプリを載せます!もちろん、マモちゃんとピヨちゃんのところですよね 😁 他の声優さんは 森久保祥太郎、谷山紀章 と 蒼井翔太 です!✨ // Today is Day 7 of 「MIXING!」 live tour~ by the time I post this, the live should already have started.. and the next one will be on Saturday in Kagawa so here's to hoping that Mamo will continue to have fun, and also not to overwork himself to the point of exhaustion hehe 😊💕 Okay for today's video, I've got an UtaPri request from @amyshinee22 ! She wanted to see a clip of Mamo and the other seiyuu cast doing dorky things together.. so I've chosen this one for her 😂 Reason being, I was just watching all three seasons of 「Quiz no Prince-sama」 all over again with some of you girls the other day.. and this part was still able to make me laugh so hard 😂 Even though I've watched it so many times! So today I thought I should share the laughter and make all of you laugh the same way I did too 😂💖 This was during the second season of QnPS.. and during Mamo's turn with Morikubo Showtaro as his partner, Aoi Shouta and Taniyama Kishow were also present during the shoot.. though they were off-camera and just watching the two instead 😁 And at the end of the shoot, instead of walking off like Showtaro did, Mamo stayed behind and started fooling around with Piyo-chan.. before Kishow showed up and said "That's (Piyo-chan) mine.." 😂 And then before you know it, Mamo has of course called everyone to join him in being a dork.. which, let's admit, is something all of us had expected him to do 😂 #宮野真守 #miyanomamoru #mamorumiyano #蒼井翔太 #aoishouta #shoutaaoi #谷山紀章 #taniyamakishou #kishoutaniyama #森久保祥太郎 #morikuboshowtaro #showtaromorikubo #うたのプリンスさま #utanoprincesama #うたプリ #utapri


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




