メリッサ・フランクリンのインスタグラム(missyfranklin88) - 12月8日 01時31分

On @theskimm this morning
Mornings in the literal deep end with Missy Franklin #UpWiththeSkimm #SkimmLife

Name: @メリッサ・フランクリン
Job: Competitive swimmer and student.

What time do you get up? Way too early! Around 5am for practice!

How many times do you snooze? I don’t snooze at all. I’m a huge morning person. When my alarm goes off I'm up and ready to go.

Do you snore? No.

What are three things you can't live without in the AM? A glass of orange juice, a giant breakfast, and brushing my teeth!

What do you think about mid-race? Pain is temporary but glory is forever.

Where do you keep your Olympic bling? A safety deposit box where they’re safe and sound!

Favorite line from theSkimm recently?
"Joseph is rocking his man bun and finest denim shirt" – Part of the product description for a 'Hipster Nativity' set. Beard oil and skinny jeans sold separately.

Complete the sentence: Woke up like this: Messy bun, lipstick on, and ready to take on the day.


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