Took a break from staying in cockroach infested $6/night shared hostel dorms for a quick stay at the MBS in Singapore. While nice, this cliche infinity pool photo is the type of "content" that every Buzzfeed/IG model/Internet blog seems to seek. Yeah, sure, it's a ridiculous view atop a stunning architectural building. I get it. But, I sincerely believe that you get the most out of travel when you're doing it on a tight budget. Being frugal is an important value to invest in as it forces you to participate with the realness of life and doesn't allow one to leapfrog the real problems and realities that exist in any given culture. There are countless times where I could have just bypassed a stress-inducing experience, only to get from point A to point B in a fraction of the time. But it all comes back to facing challenges and to working diligently to developing patience and perspective. I'm still not sure what the proper metric is for a 'well-traveled' person, but I strongly believe that those who have put their comfort, patience, and heart on the line, easily reap the most benefits (notice I don't include safety, safety is important!). Ethical and ecotourism is important and I feel it's any "privileged" person's responsibility to face the demons of each and every place to not only help and learn, but to leave as a better person. This is a weird post to make and staying in a place like the MBS honestly makes me a bit uncomfortable. I did my best going into it knowing that the remainder of my duties in Singapore are to delve deeper into the ethnic areas that have 200% the authenticity that any polished hotel ever will. Sorry for the preach post - but this has been a vibrant topic amongst the backpacking crowd and it's always reassuring to meet people that amaze me with their level of intelligence, compassion, and perspective, despite not having any real material wealth. #singapore #contrateur / @contrateur

pembertonさん(@pemberton)が投稿した動画 -

テイラー・ペンバートンのインスタグラム(pemberton) - 12月14日 13時03分

Took a break from staying in cockroach infested $6/night shared hostel dorms for a quick stay at the MBS in Singapore. While nice, this cliche infinity pool photo is the type of "content" that every Buzzfeed/IG model/Internet blog seems to seek. Yeah, sure, it's a ridiculous view atop a stunning architectural building. I get it. But, I sincerely believe that you get the most out of travel when you're doing it on a tight budget. Being frugal is an important value to invest in as it forces you to participate with the realness of life and doesn't allow one to leapfrog the real problems and realities that exist in any given culture. There are countless times where I could have just bypassed a stress-inducing experience, only to get from point A to point B in a fraction of the time. But it all comes back to facing challenges and to working diligently to developing patience and perspective.
I'm still not sure what the proper metric is for a 'well-traveled' person, but I strongly believe that those who have put their comfort, patience, and heart on the line, easily reap the most benefits (notice I don't include safety, safety is important!). Ethical and ecotourism is important and I feel it's any "privileged" person's responsibility to face the demons of each and every place to not only help and learn, but to leave as a better person. This is a weird post to make and staying in a place like the MBS honestly makes me a bit uncomfortable. I did my best going into it knowing that the remainder of my duties in Singapore are to delve deeper into the ethnic areas that have 200% the authenticity that any polished hotel ever will. Sorry for the preach post - but this has been a vibrant topic amongst the backpacking crowd and it's always reassuring to meet people that amaze me with their level of intelligence, compassion, and perspective, despite not having any real material wealth. #singapore #contrateur / @contrateur

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