タミン・サーソクのインスタグラム(tamminsursok) - 12月15日 21時57分

Look at this picture. Truly look at it. This is happening in the world RIGHT NOW. Imagine if this was your child? Your sister, your family??? We are one. We cannot turn a blind eye. We can do something. We need to speak up, to share, to donate, be educated,DO ANYTHING! It's great to voice condolences but that does nothing. We need action. I'm donating and I hope you do too. The link to how you can help is in my bio "Karam Foundation is providing LONGTERM SUPPORT in the form of SMART AID for Syrian refugee families in need. We strive not to just place aid-bandaids but instead develop sustainable, future-building tools that: Stabilize families, educate children, prevent child labor, discourage early teen marriages, and keep refugees in host countries close to Syria. - See more at: http://www.karamfoundation.org/emergency-aid-children-of-syria#sthash @savethechildren


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Sarah Kohanのインスタグラム
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