unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 12月17日 23時23分

There is #hope: My name is Hiba, I am 10 years old and I came from #Syria. I remember in Syria people were dying around us and we could not help them. We left. We took a boat but the engine stopped working. We spent two hours at sea. I don’t like to see bad things. I like to see good things.

Our clothes were wet, we were shivering from the cold. As soon as we reached the regional waters a plane saw us, and help followed soon after.

Today we are better.

We live in a camp, where I go to school. I like to sing, write and draw. I want to be an English teacher. I’m very strong and competent. I’m very strong.

My future is very bright.
All kids deserve a good life.

#foreverychild, hope. © UNICEF/UN034249/Torgovnik / Verbatim Photo Agency


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